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Volume: 350 Issue: 6263
Volume: 375 Issue: 6581
Volume: 6
Volume: 6
Volume: 30 Issue:36
Volume: 30 Issue:26
Volume: 25 Issue:23
Volume: 22 Issue:12
Volume: 29 Issue: 69
Volume: 15 Issue:139
Publication List
Explore additional publication details on Dr. Li's Google Scholar page
66. D. H. Ho, C. Hu, L. Li. Soft electronic vias and interconnects through rapid three-dimensional assembly of liquid metal microdroplets, Nature Electronics (2024).
65. H. Chen, Z. Jia, Z. Deng, L. Li. On the mechanical properties of dual-scale microlattice of starfish ossicles: A computational study, Extreme Mechanics Letters 68 (2024).
64. J. Zhong, L. Li, S. Kariko, L. Zhang, Z. Song, X. Li, Y. Lu, Z. Cheng, J. Shuai. Doublet Nanoplate Structure of Phoroncidia rubroargentea Spider-Derived Guanine Crystals for Enhanced Broadband Reflectivity, ACS Applied Nano Materials 7 (6), 6487-6498 (2024).
63. (Review Article) Y. Geng, Z. Jia, L. Li. Structural Engineering Living Materials, Nano Research 17 (2), 715-733 (2024).
62. H. Chen, Z. Jia, Z. Deng, L. Li. On the Mechanical Properties of Dual-Scale Microlattice of Starfish Ossicles, Extreme Mechanics Letters 102137 (2024).
61. Z. Deng, L. Chen, L. Li. Comparative nanoindentation study of biogenic and geological calcite, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 137, 105538 (2023).
60. Z. Jia, H. Chen, Z. Deng, L. Li. Architected microlattices for structural and functional applications: Lessons from nature, Matter 6(4), 1082-1095 (2023).
59. P. Wu, Z. Jia, C. Liu, C. Guo, B. Xu, A. Liu, L. Li. Architected Si/C Micro–Nanostructures with Air Cushion-Inspired Stress Mitigation Strategies for Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes, ACS Applied Nano Materials 6 (9), 7821-7829 (2023).
58. S. E. Naleway, D. Bhate, D. Restrepo, K. Katti, L. Li. Biological Translation: Biological Materials Science and Bioinspired Design, JOM 75(7), 2101-2101 (2023).
57. M. Huang, K. Frohlich, E. Esmaili, T. Yang, L. Li, S. Jung. Interfacial Dynamics in Dual Channels: Inspired by Cuttlebone, Biomimetics 8(6), 466 (2023).
56. E. Lee, Z. Jia*, T. Yang, L. Li*. Multiscale mechanical design of the lightweight, stiff, and energy dissipative cuttlebone: a computational study, Acta Biomaterialia 154, 312-323 (2022).
55. E. J. H. Soh, H. Astier, D. PAG, J. Q. I. Chua, A. Miserez, Z. Jia, L. Li, S. J. O’Shea*, H. Bhaskaran*, N. Tomczak*, C. A. Nijhuis*. AFM manipulation of EGaln microdroplets to generate controlled, on-demand contacts on molecular self-assembly monolayers, ACS Nano. Accepted (2022).
54. J. Zhong, Z. Song, L. Zhang, X. Li, Q. He, Y. Lu, S. Kariko, P. Shaw, L. Liu, F. Ye*, L. Li*, J. Shuai*. Assembly of guanine crystals as a low-polarizing broadband multilayer reflector in a spider, Phoroncidia rubrargentea, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (29), 32982-32993 (2022).
53. H. Cheng, Z. Jia, L. Li*. Lightweight lattice-based skeleton of the sponge Euplectella aspergillum: On the multifunctional design, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 105448 (2022).
52. T. Yang, Z. Jia, Z. Wu, H. Chen, Z. Deng, L. Chen, Y. Zhu, L. Li*. High strength and damage-tolerance in echinoderm stereom as a natural bicontinuous ceramic cellular solid, Nature Communications. Accepted (2022).
51. W. Wang, Z. Deng, L. Li, W. Cai*, K. Lu*. Effects of processing temperature on the corrosion and tribocorrosion resistance of perhydropolysilazane-derived coatings on AISI 304 steel, Surface & Coatings Technology 439: 128463 (2022).
50. Z. Jia*, F. Liu, L. Li, L. Wang*. Elastic anisotropy and wave propagation properties of multifunctional hollow sphere foams, Comp. Struct. 115540 (2022).
49. T. Yang#, H. Chen#, Z. Jia, Z. Deng, L. Chen, E. M. Peterman, J. C. Weaver, L. Li*. A damage-tolerant, dual-scale, single-crystalline microlattice in nature, Science 375, 647-652 (2022).
48. S. Thangadurai, V. Brumfeld, J. Milgram, L. Li, R. Shahar. Osteodentin in the Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus): Dentin or bone? Journal of Morphology 283 (2), 219-235 (2022).
47. (Review Article) Z. Jia, Z. Deng, L. Li*. Biomineralized materials as model systems for structural composites: 3D architecture, Advanced Materials 2106259 (2022).
46. (Review Article) Z. Deng, Z. Jia, L. Li*. Biomineralized materials as model systems for structural composites: intrinsic strengthening and toughening strategies, Advanced Science 2103524 (2022).
45. S. M. Khan, Z. Deng, T. Yang, L. Li*. Bio-inspired Ceramic-Metal Composites using Ceramic 3D Printing and Centrifugal Infiltration, Advanced Engineering Materials 2101009 (2020).
44. P. Ying, B. Ai, Y. Geng, L. Li, K. Sun, S. C. Tan, W. Zhang, M. Li*. Light-trapping and salt-rejecting nanocomposite membrane with bioinspired designs for solar-driven interfacial evaporation, Nano Energy 89, 106443 (2021).
43. Y. J. Cho, D. Garcia, H. Z. Yu, Z. Deng, L. Li, K. Lu. Oxidation behaviors of matrix-grade graphite during water vapor ingress accidents for high temperature gas-cooled reactors, Carbon 185, 161-176 (2021).
42. Z. Deng, H. Loh, Z. Jia, C. A. Stifler, A. Masic, P. U. P. A. Gilbert, R. Shahar, L. Li*. Black Drum Fish Teeth: Built for Crushing Mollusk Shells, Acta Biomaterialia 137, 147-161 (2022).
41. L. Li*, C. Goodrich, H. Yang, K. R. Phillips, Z. Jia, H. Chen, L. Wang. Microscopic origins of the crystallographically preferred growth in evaporation-induced colloidal crystals, PNAS 118 (32), e2107588118 (2021).
40. Z. Jia, M. C. Fernandes, Z. Deng, T. Yang, Q. Zhang, A. Lethbridge, J. Yin, J. H. Lee, L. Han, J. C. Weaver, K. Bertoldi, J. Aizenberg, M. Kolle*, P. Vukusic*, L. Li*. Microstructural design for mechanical-optical multifunctionality in the exoskeleton of the flower beetle Torynorrhina flammea, PNAS 118 (25), e2101017118 (2021).
39. B. Wu, Y. Liu, F. Chen, Y. Ma, J. Li, T. Yu, Y. Zhou, L. Li, J. Xiao. Investigation on the formation mechanism of twinned crystals of hypoxanthine-doped beta-phase anhydrous guanine microplatelets, CrystEngComm 23, 3444-3452 (2021).
38. Z. Deng, L. Li*. Intrinsic mechanical properties of individual biogenic mineral units in biomineralized skeletons, ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering 9, 3900-3911 (2023).
37. Z. Wu, A. Alorf, T. Yang, L. Li*, Y. Zhu*. Robust X-ray sparse-view phase tomography via hierarchical synthesis convolutional neural networks, Submitted.
36. H. C. Hendrikse, A. Weijden, M. Ronda-Lloret, T. Yang, R. Bliem, N. R. Shiju, M. Hecke, L. Li, W. L. Noorduin. Shape-preserving chemical conversion of architected nanocomposites, Advanced Materials 2003999 (2020).
35. Y. Geng, W. Sun, P. Ying, Y. Zheng, J. Ding, K. Sun, L. Li*, M. Li*. Bio-inspired fractal design of waste biomass derived solar-thermal materials for highly efficient solar evaporation, Advanced Functional Materials 31, 2007648 (2021).
34. Z. Deng, H. Chen, T. Yang, Z. Jia, J. C. Weaver, P. D. Shevchenko, F. De Carlo, R. Mirzaeifar, L. Li*. Strategies for simultaneous strengthening and toughening via nanoscopic intracrystalline defects in a biogenic ceramic, Nature Communications 11 (1), 1-11 (2020).
33. F. Chen, Y. Liu, L. Li*, L. Qi*, Y. Ma*. Synthesis of bio-inspired guanine microplatelets: morphological and crystallographic control, Chemistry - A European Journal 26 (69), 16228-16235 (2020).
32. E. Kanimba#, T. Yang#, S. T. Hustable, L. Li*, Z. Tian*. Thermomechanical analysis of a bio-inspired lightweight multifunctional structure, Advanced Engineering Materials 2000371 1-8 (2020).
31. T. Yang#, Z. Jia, Z#. Deng, H. Chen, W. Liu, L. Chen, L. Li*. On the mechanical design of the lightweight cuttlebone structures, PNAS 117 (38), 23450-23459 (2020).
30. H. Chen, T. Yang, Z. Wu, Z. Deng, Y. Zhu*, L. Li*. Quantitative 3D structural analysis of the cellular microstructures of sea urchin spines (II): Large scale analysis, Acta Biomaterialia 107, 218-231 (2020).
29. T. Yang#, Z. Wu#, H. Chen, Y. Zhu, L. Li. Quantitative 3D structural analysis of the cellular microstructures of sea urchin spines (I): Methodology, Acta Biomaterialia 107, 204-217 (2020).
28. K. R. Phillips, C. T. Zhang, T. Yang, T. Kay, C. Gao, S. Brandt, L. Liu, H. Yang, Y. Li, J. Aizenberg, L. Li. Fabrication of photonic microbricks via crack engineering of colloidal crystals, Advanced Functional Materials 30 (26) 1-11 (2020).
27. M. Connors#, T. Yang#, A. Hosny, Z. Deng#, F. Yazdandoost, H. Massaadi, D. Eernisse, R. Mirzaefar, M. N. Dean, J. C. Weaver, C. Ortiz, L. Li*. Bioinspired design of flexible armor based on chiton scales, Nature Communications 10 (1), 1-13 (2019).
26. Z. Wu#, T. Yang#, Z. Deng, B. Huang, H. Liu, Y. Wang, Y. Chen, M.C. Stoddard, L. Li*, Y. Zhu*. Automatic crack detection and analysis for biological cellular materials in X-ray in-situ tomography measurement, Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation 8 (4), 559-569 (2019).
25. Z. Wu, T. Yang, L. Li, Y. Zhu. Hierarchical convolutional network for sparse-view X-ray CT reconstruction, SPIE 10990, 109900V (2019).
24. T. Zhang, L. Li, H. Yang. 3D crystal image analysis based on fast synchrosqueezed transforms, Communications in Mathematical Sciences 17(8), 2113-2140 (2019).
23. R. Seidel#, A. Roschger#, L. Li#, J. J. Bizzarro, Q. Zhang, J. Yin, T. Yang, J. C. Weaver, P. Fratzl, P. Roschger, M. N. Dean*. Mechanical properties of stingray tesserae: High-resolution correlative analysis of mineral density and indentation moduli in tessellated cartilage, Acta Biomaterialia 96, 421-435 (2019).
22. Z. Wu, T. Yang, L. Li, Y. Zhu. A hierarchical reconstruction of x-ray phase tomography based on transferred non-local structural features, SPIE 10999, 109990N (2019).
21. Z. Wu, T. Yang, Y. Zhu, L. Li. Feature-based sparse angle tomography reconstruction for dynamic characterization of bio-cellular materials, Computational Imaging III 10669, 106690O (2018).
20. C. Gao, B. P. J. Hasseldine, L. Li, J. C. Weaver, Y. Li. Amplifying strength, toughness, and auxeticity via wavy sutural tessellation in plant seedcoats, Advanced Materials 30(36), 1800579 (2018).
19. S. C. Cao, J. Liu, L. Zhu, L. Li, M. Dao, J. Lu, R. O. Ritchie. Nature-inspired hierarchical steels, Scientific Reports 8, 1-7 (2018).
18. L. Li, A. J. Fijneman, J. A. Kaandorp, J. Aizenberg, W. Noorduin. Directed nucleation and growth by balancing local supersaturation and substrate/nucleus lattice mismatch, PNAS 115, 3375-3580 (2018).
17. S. Kariko, J. V. I. Timonen, J. C. Weaver, D. Gur, C. Marks, L. Leiserowitz, M. Kolle, L. Li*. Structural origins of coloration in the spider Phoroncidia rubroargentea, Journal of Royal Society Interface 15, 20170930 (2018).
16. N. Kaplan, W. L. Noorduin, L. Li, R. Sadza, L. Folkertsma, J. Aizenberg, L. Mahadevan. Controlled growth and form of precipitating microsculptures, Science 355, 1395-1399 (2017).
15. L. Li#, M. J. Connors#, M. Kolle, G. T. England, D. Speiser, X. Xiang, J. Aizenberg, C. Ortiz*. Multifunctionality of Chiton Biomineralized Armor with an Integrated Visual System, Science 350, 952-956 (2015).
14. L. Li*, C. Ortiz. A Natural 3D Interconnected Laminated Composite with Enhanced Damage Resistance, Advanced Functional Materials 25, 3463-3471 (2015).
13. L. Li*, S. Kolle, M. Kolle, J. C. Weaver, C. Ortiz, J. Aizenberg. Bio-mineralized Photonic Structures in the Shell of the Limpet Patella pellucida, Nature Communications 6:6322 (2015).
12. L. Li*, J. C. Weaver, C. Ortiz. Hierarchical Structural Design for Enhanced Fracture Resistance in the Shell of a Pteropod Clio pyramidata, Nature Communications 6:6216 (2015).
11. L. Li, C. Ortiz. Pervasive Nanoscale Deformation Twinning as a Catalyst for Efficient Energy Dissipation in a Bioceramic Armor, Nature Materials 13, 501-507 (2014).
10. L. Li, C. Ortiz. Biological Design for Simultaneous Optical Transparency and Mechanical Robustness in the Shell of Placuna placenta, Advanced Materials 25, 2344-2350 (2013).
9. L. Li, Y. Yang, J. Ding, J. Xue. Synthesis of Magnetite Nanooctahedra and Their Magnetic Field-Induced Two-/Three-Dimensional Superstructures, Chemistry of Materials 22, 3183-3191 (2010).
8. X. Tang, E. S. G. Choo, L. Li, J. Ding, J. Xue. Synthesis of ZnO Nanoparticles with Tunable Emission Colors and Their Cell Labeling Applications, Chemistry of Materials 22, 3383-3388 (2010).
7. L. Li, E. S. G. Choo, X. Tang, J. Ding, J. Xue. Ag/Au-Decorated Fe3O4/SiO2 Composite Nanospheres for Catalytic Applications, Acta Materialia 58, 3825-3831 (2010).
6. L. Li, D. Jun, J. Xue. A Facile Green Approach for Synthesizing Monodisperse Magnetite Nanoparticles, Journal of Materials Research 25, 810-813 (2010).
5. L. Li, E. S. G. Choo, X. Tang, J. Ding, J. Xue. A Facile One-Step Route to Synthesize Cage-Like Silica Hollow Microspheres Loaded with Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Their Shells, Chemical Communications 8, 938-940 (2009).
4. X. Tang, E. S. G. Choo, L. Li, J. Xue. One-pot synthesis of water-stable ZnO nanoparticles via a polyol hydrolysis route and their cell labeling applications, Langmuir 25, 5271-5275 (2009).
3. L. Li, J. Ding, J. Xue. Macroporous Silica Hollow Microspheres as Nanoparticles Collectors, Chemistry of Materials 21, 3629-3637 (2009).
2. L. Li, E. S. G. Choo, X. Tang, J. Ding, J. Yi, J. Xue. Superparamagnetic Silica Composite Nanospheres (SSCNs) with Ultra-High Loading of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles via an Oil-in-DEG Microemulsion Route, Chemistry of Materials 20, 6292-6294 (2008).
1.L. Li, E. S. G. Choo, Z. Liu, D. Jun, J. Xue. Double-Layer Silica Core-Shell Nanospheres with Superparamagnetic and Fluorescent Functionalities, Chemical Physics Letters 461, 114-117 (2008).